AMC Theaters wanted to extend the functionality of their Android app, and lacked of the resources to get it executed.
AMC is a multi-billion dollar company, with its own engineering team and a lot of corporate processes. Besides the "bureaucracy" involved in assisting a Fortune 500 company, they had an existing native Android app that involved a a steep learning curve from a technical perspective, as well as understanding the dependencies with the backend, a lot of edge cases, and achieving feature parity with the iOS app.
From the very beginning, the definition of success was very clear: we had to make the assigned seats functionality available in Android over the course of one year. This meant allowing users to book specific seats based on each theater's seat map (over 500 of them), while dealing with all the intricacies of real time locking of a finite resource (the seat.) This proven to be an immense challenge, but one that we can count as a milestone in our trajectory.
We've worked with Emerios to create a hybrid structure that allowed them to maintain full control of their core functionality while we took on this additional feature. We had a team of 3 engineers and a tech lead working alongside the internal AMC team and were able to achieve their goals on time.